A Disfuncional Democracy

We are living in a totally disfuncional democracy. In our democracies we elect candidates, of whom we have no say in who they should be  (closed lists) some are  criminals, others  haven’t paid their taxes, and many of them have accounts in fiscal  havens. And these  are the candidates put forward by the banks, corporations, etc and their job is to look after their sponcer’s interests not ours  So when it comes to voting this or that law or amendment, their vote has nothing to do with the  good of the people or what the people want. Most candidates are hipocrites and outrageous liars. The have no sense of ethics or moral. It’s only private interests.because they are the ones who have paid for their campaigns in exchange for  favours of all types.

Another example is the police  here in Spain, and there are many different types of police here. Their new job is not to prevent crime nor catch criminals but to put fines even for the slightest infraction. They have become tax collectors You are leaving your garage and haven’t put on the safety belt yet, a fine, you take your dog for a walk and let him off the leash just before entering the park, a fine, you are driving on a rural road at 40 kms per hour, a fine, speed limit 30 kms but you think, the police are sitting there in a car all day waiting for soembody to go by so that they can fine him, two police in the airport just waiting for you to leave your car so they can fine  you but at the same moment there are robberies inside the terminal building but it’s not their affair 

We need to go towards a meritocracy system, i.e. the person must demonstrate  merits to be a candidate and if  after four years hasn’t fulfilled his promises be kicked out.


To be continued

About thegamehasjustbegun

Lecturer in economics and finance at the University of Barcelona, Spain. I also teach English in a Business environment in companies. I play golf, collect Spanish wines, and am very interested in Arab and Chinese culture and history.
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